Wednesday, January 02, 2008

New Look New Style Coming in the 08

In the spirit of the New Year I want to big up all your dreams and wishes for a progressive, successful and prosperous year. It is definitely time for change. We have the upcoming election that will prayerfully catapult some nation-wide change and the personal changes that we are all preparing to better our families, health, relationships, style and comfort. Let's do it.
Laidback is preparing for a slew of changes in the coming month. We will be expanding the our offering and introducing new styles, and collaborating with other companies for giveaways and contests.
We will be reviving the website and offering some style tips and ideas for the fashion forward urbanite who loves to entertain stylishly at home. It is all about glamour, comfort, and love this year for us at Laidback. The more glamorous we get the more love will abound as we share the lifestyle and the benefits of the lifestyle with those around us as well as those less fortunate, and comfort is the middle ground between living the and loving amidst the glamorous life. Let's do it big this year and leave no one behind. The Laidback chick loves ya, stay around because I have some great things prepared for the future.


Cool S**T said...

I can't wait for this new release!!!

Anonymous said...

Your designs are so fabulous!! I can only imagine what the new season holds!!!

Laidback Chick said...

Thanks guys, I will make you proud!