Monday, May 28, 2007

The Graphic is Everything: Suupa Pop

Here at Laidback the graphic is everything. I am a big fan of people who can use graphic imagery to create and sell with style. Some of the best packaging design that I have seen comes from Japan. The color usage, the funny imagery and use of American verbiage makes it all the more amazing. In Japan there are so many products and limited amounts of self space, so they have to let the packaging speak. So here are some of my favorites from the exhibit I checked out on Thursday that just ended.
Now I love this box juice. Now isn't this hotter than a capri sun pack?

My guess is that this is the equivalent of buying pantyhose from the market or drugstore.
I love the way they make you think that these silicone like perfectly voluptuous lips come from the gloss.

Don't really know what this is about, but it seems like some kind of booty enhancer.
To see more picts check out my flickr page.

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