Friday, May 18, 2007

Design on a Dime Recap and Design Week

Last night Design on A Dime was great.. a ton of people turned put and spent money. I was able to see my pillows in the mix with the Nathanegan Designer vignette. Too bad I had spilled juice in my bag earlier and jacked up my camera because I did not really get to take any picts. The two you see are from my camera phone, and you know how those go. I did get to meet Thom Filicia (Queer Eye, Dress My Nest) and introduce him to laidback as well as a few other people. The white She Rocks and You Rock were being purchased just as I stepped into the vignette. Great night for fundraising and design. (P.S. Sorry for the grainy picts and sis blocking the shot, but she was with the party who purchased the pillows, so she is a friend of Laidback.)hehe

Design Week is in full gear and I have plans to partake in some of the festivities. I am anxiously awaiting checking out the design at ICFF on Monday. Unfortunately I missed the blogfest party and the apartment therapy meetup today. Oh but design goes on. I will be heading to the ICFF and hopefully taking tons of picts Monday and possibly this weekend when I come back from my little sisters graduation. Get em Sherika, Big Laidback Congrats to you lil sis, doing the darn thing, lol!!!

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